Call for Abstract (and Video!)
TOPIC: New trends in Mesenchymal Stem Cell research
We encourage the submission of abstracts of innovative and relevant research studies in the field of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Eligible works must be unpublished, in the process of being published, or recently published (not before 2020). The First Author of each abstract must be less than 40 years old (born not earlier that 1981). Each participant can submit only one abstract as a First Author, but can be included in other abstracts as a co-author.
General instructions
The “GISM Next Generation – Contest 2021” is organised in 3 steps:
- First step: abstract submission, deadline September 15th, 2021.
The abstracts will be selected for quality, relevance and/or innovation of the proposed work. The submission of abstracts is free of charge and does not require membership in the GISM society.
- Second step: Video submission, deadline November 15th, 2021.
Each first Author of the selected abstracts will be asked to send a “narrative” video of the proposed work. The video must be recorded with the smartphone camera and has a maximum duration of 3 minutes. The submission of the videos requires the GISM membership for the year 2022 of the First Author. Each video will be published on the official GISM web pages.
- Third step: "GISM Next Generation - Contest 2021" winners announcement, December 15th, 2021. Three videos will be selected by the Scientific Committee and awarded as GISM- NextGeneration Best Young Scientist Award 2021. The First Authors of the three selected studies will be invited to give a live talk in January 2022 (see the timeline for specific dates), in the form of a short webinar (15 minutes of presentation, 10 minutes of questions).
The Winners will be awarded as following:
GISM- NextGeneration Best Young Scientist Award 2021 – First place (600 Euros)
GISM- NextGeneration Best Young Scientist Award 2021 – Second place (500 Euros)
GISM- NextGeneration Best Young Scientist Award 2021 – Third place (400 Euros)
The abstracts and videos collected will be made public on the GISM website, LinkedIn, YouTube and other media. By submitting an abstract, the Authors accept to share their work either as a video or as a talk. Accordingly, a necessary condition for the publication of the abstracts and videos will be the signing of the publication Release Form (available at the GISM website) to be sent during the submission steps.
The abstracts and videos will be evaluated and scored by a panel of Referees (selected by the Scientific Committee), according to their novelty and significance. The final acceptance decision is the exclusive right of the Scientific Committee, such as the definition of the 3 winners of the Contest.
How to prepare the abstract:
Please, follow these instructions:
- Language: English.
- Font: Times New Roman; Font-size: 12 points; Text alignment: single-spaced, justified text.
- Words Limit: The Abstract must not exceed 250 words (this must be applied to the main body of the abstract only: title, authors, affiliations are excluded). References, images and tables must be included in the abstract.
- Report the Title of the Abstract. The Title must be 20 words at maximum. Abbreviations in the title will not be accepted.
- Report the Author/s names and surnames in this format: Mario Rossi, Carla Bianchi, etc.
- Report the Author/s affiliations.
- Report the age of the First Author: specify the year of birth of the first author.
- Report the email of the First Author to be used for the communications.
- The main text of the Abstract must be divided into 4 paragraphs:
INTRODUCTION: indicate the primary purpose of study.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: description of data sources, subjects, design measurements and data analysis.
RESULTS: summary of the main findings of the study.
CONCLUSIONS: study’s conclusion and/or implication of the results.
Abstract submission:
Abstract file saving: save the Abstract in a Word/Writer file with the following name: GISM201_firstName_firstSurname of the first author (e.g. GISM2021_Mario_Rossi.doc).
The Abstract must be submitted to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., together with the Release Form file (available at the GISM website) signed by the First Author of the Abstract.
Detailed instructions about the preparation and the submission of the Videos will be sent to the First Author of the selected Abstracts.
Detailed instructions about the preparation of the live talk will be sent to the First Authors of the 3 winner Abstracts of the “GISM Next Generation – Contest 2021”.
- September 15th, 2021: deadline for submitting the Abstract and the Release Form
- October 15th, 2021: communication of the Abstracts selected for the second step.
- November 15th, 2021: deadline for sending the Video (at this step, the GISM membership for the year 2022 of the First Author of the Abstract is required).
- December 15th, 2021: communication of the 3 winners of the “GISM Next Generation – Contest 2021”.
- January 27th, 2022: 2nd winner live talk.
- February 03rd, 2022: 3rd winner live talk.
- February 10th, 2022: 1st winner live talk.
- 3rd place:
Complex Structure of Surgical Sciences and Technologies, IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute (IOR), Bologna, Italy
- 2nd place:
IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milano, Italy
- 1st place:
Regenerative Medicine Technologies Laboratory, Lugano, Switzerland & Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
- January 27th, 2022, 17:00 (Rome time), online webinar on ZOOM: MARCO VIGANO’ (2nd place winner). Presentation title:
"Full characterization of microgragmented adipose tissue: tissue architecture, mesenchymal stem cell content and release of paracrine mediators".
- February 03rd, 2022, 17:00 (Rome time), online webinar on ZOOM: FRANCESCA SALAMANNA (3rd place winner). Presentation title:
"The vertebral bone marrow clot as new and advanced autologous cell therapy in spinal surgical procedures".
- February 10th, 2022, 17:00 (Rome time), online webinar on ZOOM: DANIELE D'ARRIGO (1st place winner). Presentation title:
"Development of a microfluidic arthritic joint model as a screening platform for mesenchymal stem cell therapy"
These WEBINARS are open to the entire GISM community!
ZOOM LINK: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/65912845081?pwd=ZndiaXhXRlhWakxMU29yN1JLT0Fodz09#success